Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Top Ten Tuessday: Book Blurbs (4/30)

Image from The Broke and the Bookish

I originally wasn't going to participate in this week's Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke and the Bookish because over the past few months, my reading habits have changed quite a bit.  However, I realized that great literature endures because it meets us where we as readers are right now, and as I grow and change, my reading tastes evolve as well.  Also, a book's blurb may catch my attention, but it is not necessarily a predictor of whether or not I will like the content (as my recent Top Ten Tuesday Surprise Reactions list indicates).

So what makes me consider cracking a book's cover?
  1. A well-designed, eye catching cover
  2. A blurb or recommendation by one of my auto-buy authors
  3. Contemporary issues
  4. Mythology
  5. Family dynamics 
  6. Marriage
  7. Unrequited love
  8. Literary fiction
  9. Meta-textual, book within a book premise
  10. The promise of a big reveal (i.e. secret revelations) 
Any recommendations for books with these plot points?  What is your book blurb kryptonite? 


  1. Replies
    1. I was checking out your list, and I was wondering if you had read The Raven Boys yet. It's got a Arthurian legend flair and a great cover.

  2. Good list, I love reading about family dynamics and unrequited love as well.

    1. It seemed ironic to put both marriage and unrequited love on my list, but I'm interested in explorations of both. I like seeing analysis of marriages past a lovey doves exterior, and there's something about all that longing in an unrequited love story that makes me all swoony!

  3. I totally didn't think to add the cover thing but I totally should have. I always gravitate towards books with pretty covers.

    My Top Ten

    1. Your list is great too - my inclusion of mythology is a direct result of my love for Rick Riordan. I can't wait for The House of Hades this fall!

  4. New follower! I didn't think about the cover since it's not an actual word in the description, but I'm definitely judge a book by it's cover!

    My TTT
    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  5. A great cover gets me too! I'm also drawn to literary fiction, though I must admit I sometimes think that is a very difficult genre to define.

    1. It's a hard genre to read, but often times its worth it. I think of literary fiction as writing that relies heavily on classical literary references and allusions and/or writing whose story is really a larger metaphor for the human condition. Very technical and accurate definition right?

  6. I think a cover can often hint at a book's content or even create a "spell-binding" or "quick-witted" atmosphere. Designers have to read the book before they design the cover, so it's like a visual blurb.
